Thursday, May 05, 2011


Hello My Dearly Beloved Friends,

Its always a joy and a struggle to know what to write and to write it with honesty and integrity. A joy as I recognised the glory of God in all that has taken place in and through my live, a struggle as I consider my continual walk with the Lord and what He thinks of it all. In comparison with others it seems that I am doing better than most but in comparison with my risen Lord I am far from where I should be.
As I continue to minister the Lord's word and to share His work I began to notice how easily we can deceive ourselves in sharing only the good things that has happened and fall short in sharing the struggles that continually burdens us and wears us down. On one hand the Lord has given me the ability to cast all my cares upon Him knowing that He does care for me on the other hand I wonder about the many cares that others had shared with me and how it has taken them captive. It seems all of live is just a stage. We easily put on an act for others to see but knows that that is not what what we are. It is so very difficult to be HONEST with ourselves since we always think we need to put on a good front for others to see. Is this what the Lord would wants us do? Does the Lord wants us to put on an act or does HE wants us to be honest and transparent?
For the last couple of weeks I have pondered over things that I have heard and seen others say and do and have judged them according to my standards and my perception of things. In the eyes of the Lord we are all failures and we fall short of His glory, but His Love and Grace is big enough to over-ride them all. I began to realised that it is so very important to know how to be honest before God since there is nothing we can hide and it is equally important since we should not be embarass with our humanity (which means not our pride but our weakness). We should not fear being honest since that is living in truth and the truth will set us free from fear of being found out or fear of being accuse.
Lord help me not to be defensive of my weakness/es but to be honest with it, especially with you and thereby be honest with my fellow brothers and sisters and with myself. May my life of honesty and integrity be an example of true freedom that will liberate others who are watching me. Teach me Lord to be grateful for the blessings of life and to be honest with the struggles that comes with it, the struggles of the self centred, SELF life.

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