Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Its been another round of Waiting,
Hello again my precious friends around the globe. Its been yet another weekend of surprises with God even though there are many moments of the feeling of inadequacy and unpreparedness. Through these occasions I have been wrestling with the Lord for what He wants to teach me or remind me of. Through continual sharing and observation it seems like a reminder is appropriate. We have heard it all before and like every other human being we have the tendency to conveniently, flippantly or indifferently forget what we have heard and learn (supposedly). Every single time we come to a conference or even on a simple meeting we think we know it all, we have heard it before. For some strange reason most people either failed to practice what they heard or just simply forgot what they heard. Probably because we have the tendency to hear intellectually rather than devotionallY, thinking in our head and not receiving with our heart.As a result many would say I believe in God but somehow not so devoted to God. So we generally end up trying to "WORK FOR GOD BUT WORKING WITHOUT GOD". We are believers in our sub-conscience but not making a conscious effort to be with Him and so we go on our daily lives without Him , serving Him with our own secular wisdom and working for Him with our own human strength and plan. The outcome can be or will be what we make it out to be but not necessarily how God would have it be.
Time and again I am aware of my own shortfall and my own failing and I fear that many more will walk the same road. My prayer is that the Lord will help me not to continue in that mode but make every effort to stay on course with Him, be conscious of His presence daily and going with Him every step of the way in everything I do, say and think, to the praise of His glory.The Lord has opened many more doors of ministry in many more areas of the world, I have to be careful that it is not all done in the flesh, serving Him but without Him. Pray with me my brothers and sisters that the Lord will deliver us all from our humanistic approach to ministry, SELF-DEPENDENT RATHER THAN GOD-DEPENDENT, INDEPENDENT RATHER THAN INTER-DEPENDENT. The Lord be with us all

Kenny GaN

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's veryvery very true

So well spotted


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