Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Hi its me again,

Its been good being able to have the extra time with the Lord but being alone with God is an awesome thing. The conviction that the Spirit brings into our soul is always overwhelming. It is the very heart of God that the Spirit convicts us with. Meeting people with pain, reading of stories of people going through pain and hearing the painful experience and cries of many from around the world has stricken me with the kind of sorrow and sadness that I have never experience before. It grief over the sight and sound of those in suffering, physically, emotionally, spiritually and in every other way. If this is God's heart than why am I not move to do anything, why are Christians around the world still dancing to the tune of self indulgence and care-lessness and have become so oblivious to the sound and cries of helplessness and hopelessness, and why are there so few that readily say to the Lord, "Here am I, send me"? Have I become hard of hearing? Have I been blind? Have my heart hardened that I can no longer respond to such needs? Has my heart actually been given to someone or something else other than God? What have I given my heart to that I no longer feel the way He feels, that I can go on with life with no sense of obligation or willingness to be an instrument of God to touch the lives of others. How have I managed to call myself a follower of Jesus Christ without bearing and manifesting His love.
Brothers and sisters have you ever wondered about the cry of your heart? Is it for God or something else? Its something I need to seriously think about as I seek live like Him. Pray with me that the cry of my heart will come from the cry of His heart. May the Lord be gracious.

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