Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I am too. There is just this urge to want to write this. For the last couple of weeks I have had a real desire to want to be with the Lord. Its strange how often the scriptures becomes so real that it is not scary but awestruck, especially when the conviction of His holiness paralysed us into godly fear. As I have shared in our latest newsletter about the sin of self seeking indulgences. I had to look back in my early years with the Lord when hours can be consumed quickly just by being in His presence and enjoying the sense of His awesomeness. I have missed the days when singing "How lovely are Thy dwelling places, my soul longs for the courts of the Lord.; My heart and my flesh sings for joy to the Living God, you are my King and my God". (Psalm 84:1) was so real and personal, not that it is no longer personal but the longing of my heart seems a little more distant. I need to get back to my initial commitment or my first love when I echoed with the Psalmist, "One thing I asked and that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold His beauty and to inquire in His holy temple." (Psalm 27:4) And "Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His holy name." (Ps.103:1) Because "In Thy presence there is fulness of joy." (Psalm 16:11) I know that He longs for me more than I normally have any kind of longing for Him. I realised more and more that that's what the human heart is longing for "THE FULNESS OF JOY" which can only be found in Him, which is His presence. I just needed to share that as much as I can so that others may enjoy that same fulness, that same joy. The urgency of bringing more and more people into His presence cannot be brushed aside since more and more people are getting into depression and discouragement. Many have also lost their joy of being with the Lord and has left the faith. The longing of my heart musty not only be for my own satisfaction but must be in line with the longing of His heart which is to see all of creation coming before Him and getting lost in His goodness and His loveliness. The cruel world that we live in has created a greater longing within the heart of man for His greatest good.... but they have all gone astray and look to all the wrong places and to the wrong people.
MAY THE LONGING OF MY HEART BE FOR THE GREATEST GOOD OF MAN AND FOR HIS GREATEST GLORY. Lord have mercy. May we all "Take delight in the Lord, that He will give you the desires of your heart". To Him who is able to give us more than what we can ever ask or think, to Him be all praise, honour and glory. Amen.

A Longing Heart
Kenny Gan

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