Tuesday, June 02, 2009


What a challenge to share the word of Christ in first trying to internalise it. For the last few weeks I have been thinking, meditating and praying through a series of teachings that I felt the Lord has laid upon my heart to speak about. It's the "CHRIST-LIKE LIFESTYLE". I have entitle it 'Lifestyle' for the most of it. The Holy Spirit has not given me much rest in this since I have been convicted of my own need to adjust my life and to be conform to His image. I have been spending way too much time thinking about the world, its pleasures and the desire for it. The subtlety of the computer and of "facebook" seems to deaden our senses, especially our spiritual senses. Giving in to the desire for the flesh and setting our minds on the things of the flesh is death. That's why even though we may be Christians and may be regular in church, bible study and prayer meetings yet when our thoughts are not on Christ it still brings death. We become so alive in the things and desires of the flesh and begin to loose our appetite for the things of God.

On the label it says "I am a Christian", underneath it we see the manifestation of the flesh.
A.W. Tozer in an inspiring book wrote, "In order for us to do right we must think right". Therefore in order to live Christ we must think Christ. "For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he." (Prov 23:7 NKJV). It's a constant battle trying to set ones mind on things that are above where Christ is (Col 3:1-2) and also on the things of the Spirit (Rom 8:5-8) since we are more preoccupied on our daily survival in the world, worrying about what to eat, what to wear and what "WE" may hold with all that is happening today. Everybody said you have to try but Jesus said, you have to die ("deny self, take your cross and than follow Him"- Matt 16:24) in order to live. Die to self and live unto God. Setting your minds on what He had said through His word.

It is when we start "Thinking Christ" than we begin LIVING Christ by the power of His Spirit that indwells us. More can be said but I think I need to wrestle more with it before I can really share it. God is gracious and merciful and will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can be. Be ready, not to fight (because the battle is already won) but to Stand your ground. Praise be to God! BE HONEST, BE REAL AND BE HUMBLE!! This is what has been said to me many times. I need to take heed less I fall. Thanks for those who have been standing with me all these years. You are my fellow soldiers in Christ. We are not in this alone, we have the body and He his our Head. Hallelujah!!

For His Glory

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