Thursday, April 30, 2009


ONLY ONE BOOK - THE BIBLE. Many of us have read the Bible day in and day out for I don't know how many years and yet somehow we can missed it all. If we are conscious and alert we would have noticed that from the beginning (Genesis) to the end (Revelation) all the pages of the Bible talks about GOD!! And looking no further we somehow stumble upon the word MAN (and Woman for political correctness' sake even though we know it meant MANKIND or all of the human race). So obviously what God wanted us to know is about Himself and how in His glory He has created man in His own image. Unfortunately most people miss out on GOD and only look at themselves, Without God there is no image and therefore missing God means missing our image. Looking for self image in every corner of the world would be futile since it can never be found anywhere else except in God. It is puzzling to note that Christians having been to church for years and probably read the bible for years and yet still miss the OBVIOUS, GOD!! And so, missing God we missed everything else that comes with God: His presence, His blessings, His Abundant and Supernatural life and all of creation. Missing the supernatural means we live a very ordinary, mundane and boring life.

Living in God and with God makes life itself purposeful because God has a purpose in everything and for everyone. In Him therefore is our purpose and our life. Lately the Lord has led me to read so many different books that re-endorse the many convictions that I have had through reading the scriptures. His word continually reminds us and inspires us to go further and deeper with Him in His life, purpose and vision (and passion, what He is all about).

Talking, counselling, mentoring, discipling and coaching (all the different terminology which actually end up meaning the same thing) helps me be even more convinced that we have become utterly foolish in forsaking God for things that resemble mortal men and things that are not even worth our energy, time and effort, much less our life and our whole investment.

I am asking God to help me not waste my time seeking after the perishables but the imperishables, not for the things that are seen but for that which is unseen. As Paul said (2 Cor 4:18) what is seen is temporal and what is unseen is eternal. I believe we need to make an eternal investment of our life, our time, our money and our God given resources and energy. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Well that's just my thoughts as the Lord so revealed. I am grateful for His grace, mercy and faithfulness.
For Him and His Glory

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