Hello Again my global friends,
Its been a great time of learning when I spent 10 days in Israel travelling with a group of general five others. The Lord has always allowed me to travel with my eyes, ears and heart opened for what He wants me to see, learn and receive. It is during this time that I felt I should write about I saw, heard and learned and am still learning. The wonderful grace of God has promised us a life that is totally satisfied and fulfilled or known as the "ABUNDANT LIFE". It can be all of our earthly life. I am always reminded of what I tell others. It is not a problem free life but it can be a worry free life if we are willing and ready to cast all our cares on Him. This worry free or fulfilled life is not only for our good and for our indulgences but more so for His glory. It is not only what we know the Lord will do for us and wants to do for us since He is our Loving Heavenly Father but it is also what we should constantly and daily manifest in our life on planet earth.
Since we are born of the Spirit of God we know that His Spirit lives in us and testify to our spirit that we are His child, and as His child we need to be manifesting the character of the Father in every sense of the word.
There are many who claimed to be "Spirit-Filled" but constantly manifesting the works of the flesh with loads of self indulgences and selfish lifestyles. I have been convicted many times especially while preparing to speak or after speaking about the "Spirit-Filled" life. I discovered that a Spirit-Filled lifestyle is not only manifesting spiritual gifts but manifesting the work of the Spirit in and through our daily living. The Spirit should lead us into all truth (John 14:26) which means we should be people of the word (of honesty and integrity) and should be able to understand the deep things of God (1 Cor 2:10-11), make us a witnesses (Acts 1:8) and make us testify of the Lord (which should make us all a messengers of God or missionaries). Missions should therefore be a lifetyle(John 15:26) and we should always glorify Him (John16:14)and not boast of self accomplishment. He gives us the courage and boldness that we need(2 Tim 1:7)than we should not live in fear even though there are many uncertainties in life , He also helps us to be intercessors and lead us into a life of prayer (Romans 8:26-27) so we can be praying without ceasing ( 1 Thess 5:17) we can pray constantly or be faithful in prayer(Romans 12:9), praying at all times (Eph 6:18) and praying steadfastly (Col 4:2)
The fruit of the Spirit is Love, therefore we should manifest a loving personality, loving people, caring for them and ministering to them. It is indeed a selfless lifestyle and not a selfish, self-centred one. Its a lifestyle of amazing "Freedom", not bound by anything on earth, for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is "Freedom" ( 2 Cor 3:17), and the minds controlled by the Spirit is life and peace ( Romans 8:6). Its a lifestyle of complete obedience (1 Pet 1:1-2)
Everything we do and say should be led by the Spirit. A Spirit-filled person should therefore have a lifestyle of missions, evangelism, witness, prayer, worship, caring and giving, proclamation of God's truth. Its a lifestyle of total freedom from bondage. Its a lifestyle free to do and to fulfil the will of God on earth as it is in heaven.Its the "ABUNDANT LIFESTYLE", a "COMPLETE" and "FULFILLED" one because it is a life God has intended it to be. Praise be unto God!!!
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