Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. ........ They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and serve created things rather than the Creator, who is forever praised."
Its been almost a month now since my last update. As much as the Lord has amazed me with His greatness, goodness and faithfulness, Christians have equally amazed me with their foolishness (I'm included in this since we are all the same) in chasing after the wind. We spend a lot of time treasuring up earthly goods, giving our full attention in acquiring more and more of them and missed out on the Treasure of all treasures, JESUS, Who is the sum of ALL THINGS.
Spending time sharing the word of God and listening to the words of men helps to differentiate between the urgent and the important. With constant travel and in ministry one gets to hear the discontentment and the instability of those who spend their time in pursuit of created things rather than the Creator. Created things are incapable of filling in the emptiness of a godless life, though many claimed to believe in God.
The response to His word through the many years of preaching indicated that there are spiritual vacuum in the lives on both believers and unbelievers, hence the hunger for spiritual truth to free them from the bondage of lies and deception from men (marketing products and consumer goods) who were used by the evil one to lead many astray. After speaking to many it became obvious that ignorance to the truth of God's word led to an inevitable path of deception and bondage. The awareness that the truth can indeed set people free gave many a new found hope and direction for living. It is therefore exciting and worth the while in spending time studying and meditating on the word of God and sharing it. When men and women are set free from the slavery of sin, the world and the devil they are therefore unashamed to be called the servants or even slaves of God since they discover the privilege and the honour of serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Glory be the Him forever and ever. Amen.
The Lord has indeed been awesome. He has been gracious in healing and strengthening my physical body and also in helping Bee Lee with her physical challenges. It is now up to me to allow Him to strengthen my inner being. We are now back in London and there are quite a few ministry commitment that awaits us. Pray with us that more will experience true freedom by obeying His word. Thanks for your prayers. It meant a lot.

Kenny Gan

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