Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ongoing Battles & Trials with an Ongoing Focus

"While we are all grateful that the hand of the Lord s upon our lives yet we must never forget and never be complacent and be off our guard".

It is time for me to acknowledge my gratitude to everyone who has prayed for me and my family for the last many months and years. The Lord has been so gracious in seeing us through the many uncertain days (uncertain with the cancer but certain in many ways of the future). Many of you from around the globe have stood with us and we have been awed by God's great love through His people. As you have heard even before we discovered the good news that the cancer was cleared and so was the liver cirrhosis, I was hit with retina detachment of my right eye. That got corrected pretty quickly with great success but soon there was a bad ear infection that has caused a hole in the eardrum. This is not really settled yet, and just before coming to the Philippines I was hit with another high fever and an infection, of which the infection is yet to be diagnosed; The end of days for the devil is coming close and he is not ready to throw in the towel. However he knows that he "WILL NEVER WIN, EVER" even if he tries to deceive many in thinking so. (As I write this I am scratching from the itchiness of the infection) When we've been continually hit with many obstacles and challenges there is that temptation to want to look at ourselves and our impediment, and while on our beds the enemy began sowing seeds of deception, fear and lies. Learning to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ needs to be consistent and ongoing if we are not intending to fall into the schemes of the enemy. The thought of God's glory must never be blurred by our pain, discomfort and struggles. It is a wonderful thing to see the Lord snatching His people out of the devil's snare when we can share of His ever living presence and His ever present help for those who are in need. He is never far. He is always at hand and can be reached by the stretching out of our hands in humility and in prayer. This is our God the Servant King who calls us now to follow Him, to bring our lives as a DAILY OFFERING OF WORSHIP TO THE SERVANT KING, and HIS NAME IS JESUS!!

Yes there will be ongoing battles and trials but we must face it with an ongoing focus on The Author and Finisher of our Faith. I have yet a few days to speak in Cebu before flying to Singapore and Malaysia to bear witness unto the Lord's faithfulness. Please do continue to stand with me and my family as we press on in this battle. To Him Be All Honour, Glory and Praise forever and ever. And thanks to you all for being with us. Enjoy your day with Jesus and don't miss out on Him.

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