Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I guess by now all those who have read my previous blog would know that nasal cancer is my latest challenge. Since receiving the news I have not had much ministry since everything has to be put on hold. It's amazing how many well wishers, brothers, sisters in the Lord and friends we have who actually care about us.

It is a challenge to not allow thoughts to dominate our lives , especially thoughts that can discourage and paralyse or damage our emotions. The devil is good at using this. While the Lord uses people to encourage us the devil can easily sow seeds of self pity, doubt and self-centeredness to keep us down. The mind can effect the emotion which in turn will effect the physical condition. For the last couple of weeks my mind has been much on the treatment and how long that will be and how long I will be inactive from ministry. I realised that I don't have to resign myself to inactivity but continue to be a blessing wherever I go. Ministry is about people (I am always ready to tell others) and I meet people everyday wherever I go. Pray with me that the Lord will help me use every opportunity to glorify Him.

For those who are burdened by circumstances and by the challenges of life, let not the enemy have a hold on you but count it all joy for the privilege of bearing His name and the opportunities of glorifying Him through the challenges we face.

Praise the Lord indeed that His Words that says, "MY grace is sufficient for you" to the Apostle Paul 2000 years ago is still valid for us today. And Paul said, "And God is able to make ALL grace abound to you in ALL things having ALL that you need you WILL ABOUND in every good work. We must let the written word become a living word, made alive in and through us that men may see our good works and glorify the Father. By His grace indeed and His mercy I will let His word be made flesh in me while I dwell among the people in my world around me. To Him be all glory, honour and praise, ALWAYS!!!

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