Saturday, January 03, 2009

Clear and Present Danger

Its amazing!! God's creation and God's creative images implanted in men and women around the world. We were awestrickened by the beauty of man made architecture, sculpture and paintings in Italy. It was just fascinating!! But behind all the facade there were as it is a hidden danger where men and women completely ignore the reality and presence of God. I think it was more so in Paris, now also in Italy where much praise and honour was given to the achievements of men and women rather than the majesty of God. I have noticed again and again that there is an incredible reluctance to speak forth the truth in love even though we know that many are living a lie. Society is heading for destruction with all the immorality and spiritual decadence and yet many insist on the positive side of things rather than facing the reality of the coming judgement of God if men and women fail to repent and to return to God.
I have been reading through the Old Testament and saw how situations in Europe having an exact same situation as that of Israel 3000 or 4000years ago and the Lord has sent many of His prophets to warn them against destructive living. Many would not want to listen because it sound too negative and discouraging. The reality was, God was going to judge. It is sad, it is unwanted but its true. It is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO IGNORE THE VERY WORDS OF GOD. Europe and the rest of the world needs prayer and they need more to proclaim the truth fearlessly. I have been praying about my own ministry and consider what I should be saying. Please pray that I will not be afraid to be the Watchman in warning men and women about the clear and present danger or rebelling against the Lord. There is no way out.
It is beautiful, its incredible, its magnificent but don't ignore His Majesty.
God is good and gracious and we say HALLELUJAH for that. He is an amazing God.
We thank God for allowing us to enjoy great beauty and glory. We praise Him for what He has done through some of His servants around the world. We were blessed by the privilege of meeting a dear Chinese brother whose ambition is not just to start restaurants but also to pant His church around Europe,. To Him be the glory. Pray for the Chinese church in Rome, in Greece and Lord willing also in Budapest. Have a great year in 2009.

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