Tuesday, December 02, 2008


For many years now, I battled with the idea of being real and judgemental. I have been trained to evaluate and summarise situations wherever I go. This is primarily due to my years of line-up experience and also visiting churches, counseling and mentoring individuals including pastors and leaders. It may not seem like a big deal but it has challenged me to think and rethink through what I say and what I should say.
IN our present world most people are not very willing to hear the truth if it sounds negative. Christians and non-Christians alike prefer to hear positive things and positive feedback rather than criticisms, even constructive criticisms. As a result I realised that we are giving false information and deceiving our brothers and sisters when we cry "Peace, Peace" where there is no peace. If God so calls us to account for our negligence, indulgences and sins then I feel we should warn them. I have been reading through the Old Testament Prophets and I realised that this is not a very popular calling or a desirable one since you will face rejection and intolerance from those to whom you have to share the message of God.
Therefore if men and women only believe in or prefer to believe in lies rather than truth, then we are living in unreality, not facing up to the real situation but prefering to cover it up and making it look good on the outside though we know deep down it is plain rotten. I am very conscious of my own shortcomings and faults. It is a challenge to my own soul when I consider the truth of scripture and where I have been in terms of my relationship to the Lord. Brothers and sisters we need to pray and pray earnestly that the Lord will grant much grace, wisdom and courage to face up to what is REALITY and be drawn even closer to the Lord rather then alienate ourselves from Him by rejecting the plain and simple truth. This is my prayer for myself and those that the Lord has led me to minister to.
May the Lord be honoured and glorified through it all.
Kenny Gan

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