Friday, October 17, 2008


Japan. It's not the first time I have been to Japan and yet this visit seems to be a lot different than any other visit I have had so far. Kyoto is a "Dark" and "Depressive" place. It is the "spiritual center" of Japan. October in particular is where Japan is at its peak in spiritual darkness. The many spiritual festivals which in many cases relates directly to host of wickedness of hell itself. There is a particular festival where they actually invoke the spirit of hell to be awakened. Without these cultural and traditional Shinto festivals I wonder what Japan will really be like. I guess in many ways it will still be dark without the Lord as any other nation. However, Japan itself is going deeper and deeper into darkness it seems. Spiritually bankrupt and depraved men and women were led into moral decadence. Life seems meaningless and the few foreigners that I met during my visit to Kyoto were badly affected by its darkened atmosphere. Many begin to sense the hopelessness and meaninglessness of life. As a result, more and more are becoming suicidal. Japan DESPERATELY NEEDS PRAYER, Japan, DESPERATELY NEEDS TO RECEIVE MORE LABOURERS FOR ITS HARVEST FIELD and Japan NEEDS A COMPLETE RENEWAL OF ITS CHURCHES. PRAY FOR JAPAN.
As we all know, in the midst of any gloomy scenario there is always a glimpse of hope. God has not left Japan without a remnant.
The few churches that I have been working with are trying hard to bring the good news to some. Pray that the Lord will not only give the needed wisdom but the needed outpouring of His Spirit upon His Church.
Methods and programmes seems to be more of a focus than waiting on the Lord. Prayer in most cases is not a priority. I need a fresh challenge and we all do. May the Lord grant us both the grace and the discipline to do that which is necessary for the sake of His kingdom.

I became so much more aware of life's superficiality and all things artificial this time around than at any other times. I am now sure why but I did. It gave me a greater awareness and a fresh new challenge to be on a continual prayer for this needy nation of Japan. Pray with me.
It is a BATTLE!! And we will be ultimately victorious. Praise the Lord.

For His Glory
Kenny Gan

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