Thursday, August 07, 2008


Wow, its been awhile!!?!

I was told many years ago that the more I write and communicate the more prayers I get. I am not sure if this is true today but it is a motivation to SERIOUSLY consider being a little more regular with my update.

We left for Singapore on the 9 June and have ben travelling to Malaysia, the US, Japan, back to Singapore and now Brisbane, Australia. Today we fly to Auckland New Zealand. What a hectic schedule some people might ask and how do you cope. Well for us it is an incredible joy to be with people, especially good friends. Some we meet quite often and some we have seen for a long while. We have been incredibly blessed by many of our friends and equally blessed by the new ones we met along the way.
Seriously, the ultimate is to have our Best of the Best Friend, The Lord Jesus with us all the way. He has so amazingly touched many lives, whetherit was in a formal meeting or an informal one He seems to be at work. He is always in the business of encouraging people, ministering to them when they didn't even expect it.

I know that HE IS SERIOUSLY CONCERN about the lives of everyone He has made. He has laid upon our hearts what isin His heart. It overwhelmed us always when we see His amazing love and goodness being poured out into the lives of the peopel He cared for. WE can only stand in awe!!

The US was special because we did not only meet with people who are like-minded but confirmed some of our convictions to see God's people more equip for kingdom work.

Japan was extra special when we met a Shinto priest who insisted that I look like Jesus and shook my hand sveeral time standing up. According to him it is not in the Japanese culture for an older person (like himself) to stand up and shake the hands of a younger person. Which meant that I should be honoured. Pray for Mr. Sugimoto. He is very closed to the Lord but needed to see a breakthrough against the bondage of culture and religion.

We are now in Brisbane, Australia and it was great to meet many who have been trained in the INtensive Training programme and are now leaders in their own rights. Emil from Azerbaijan is now pastoring a Russian Church and is doing great. PTL.

It is always exciting to watch the work of the Father. Many have SERIOUSLY robbed themselves of this blessing by being a passive Christian, not walking with the Son and working with the Father through the Power of His Spirit. I am praying for more to be drawn closer to the King His kingdom and to glorify Him in all things.

It is Seriously encouraging just to be here in the midst of all that He is doing. Hallelujah.

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