Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hello Friends,

If you are wondering where I have been let me tell you I made a mistake with my blog. I posted the last one on my family blog instead of my personal one. So feel free to click on the Ganz blog and read the last entry.
Anyway I just look through the "soul retreat" blog (https://soulretreat.multiply.com) and was inspired and refreshed. Inspired by the testimonies of those whose life the Lord Lord had impacted at the soul retreat weekend and refreshed because that's what I believe I should continue to do and pray that the Lord will grant me the grace to fulfill all that He has installed for me. I need to pray especially that I will be able to hear His still small voice and obey it.

It is so easy to be busy going through the daily routine that it becomes monotonous and tedious and ultimately "Boring". Once the ministry becomes a bore and a chore than we will go through a downhill, depressive decline. It is always a challenge to stay fresh and be refreshed constantly so that we can refresh others when we engage with people.
People and circumstance are the main challenges in life and ministry and they are both capable of wearing us down. Not that people are bad, but they are just people like you and me (note, me included) with all our faults, mistakes and hangups. However they are the beauty of God's bigger picture and God's perfect plan in molding and making us to become more and more like Himself.

Well I must confess that it does get a better of me some times and if I am not careful I can allow it to wear me down like everybody else. Praise God though that His grace is sufficient and His strength can be made perfect in our weakness. That's the cause for rejoicing. Praise the Lord!!
If you feel like me, Great. Rejoice also with me.
Christmas is the very reason why Jesus came, to make perfect all that is imperfect, to call sinners into His kingdom of saints. Its all so glorious!! I pray that the glory of Jesus Christ at Christmas will be yours now and always. Have a beautiful Christmas and a very Blessed New Year.

By His Grace
Kenny Gan

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