Tuesday, April 24, 2007

God's Grace and Bee Lee's mum

Since the last blog we experienced the Lord's grace afresh by softening Bee Lee's mum's heart and by giving her the desire to open her heart to Jesus. She has been resistant to the gospel for many years. When she discovered she was plague with cancer all over her lower organs she continue to resist the many Christians/church members that visited her. Bee Lee and us cried out to the Lord and the Lord was gracious to answer. Bee Lee had the opportunity to return to Singapore, be by her mum's side and led her to received the Lord. Another sister who wanted to make sure led her through another time of prayer.
The night before the Lord took her away the Spirit of the Lord prompted me. I knew she was gone but felt peace that she is save with the Lord. Both Bee Lee and myself were at peace and are confident of the Lord's faithfulness even at the very last hour. We are grateful to the Lord for the many friends and prayer partners who stood with us during this time of testing and grief.

Though the Lord is gracious the enemy is not so. Bee Lee was literally persecuted during the funeral by many of her relatives, condemning her and us for being disrespectful by not going through with the Buddhist religious rituals. Her elders sister was accused of not being in control and so were her dad and other siblings. She is the only Christian in the family.
Pray for her dad who is now 77 years old and also for her elder sister Tina that the Lord will be gracious in bringing salvation to them. It is the Lord's desire that all men be saved and that includes all of Bee Lee's family, my family and your family. May the Lord grant all of us great wisdom and grace to know how best to be a witness to our friends and family members.
To Him be all honour, glory and power, forever and ever, AMEN.

With Gratitude
Kenny Gan

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