Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bless the Lord O My Soul

Praise the Lord!! Praise the Lord !! Praise the Lord and Praise the Lord!!! These are similar words I have heard over and over again for the last six months (to be accurate for the last 28 years since I began my service in His kingdom). Early this year at a students "Equipping Weekend", in the UK, in Singapore, the Philippines, Greenland,( January - May) Malaysia and Australia (June) and in many other meetings in and around the Greater London area it is "The Word of God, Prayer and the Holy Spirit" that has meant more to most people than any other subject that was preached. Primarily because most men and women are hungry more for the Lord and for spiritual things (which meet their deeper needs) than for all the material things that surrounds them. Its not surprising since the Lord is within them and the world is around them or outside of them. Does that say anything to us all? Without exception every single country and every single church that I have been to the quest for spiritual reality is always greater than that of wealth and secular success. (even though it is not wrong in itself and many are still pursuing it) The preaching of God's word unfold the truth about the inward need of mankind. Undeniably our seared conscious disabled us from seeing the truth until the Holy Spirit convicts us of the necessity. I have become more eager to preach what I believe is of grave necessity in our day and age. While wealth and material abundance consume fleshly pleasure and desire, the soul and spirit of men remains dead and dry and is in need of life and revival. And it is ONLY GOD that make it happen. I wish I can write all the quotes and sayings of those who have been ministered to by the Holy Spirit. God is doing a new thing or bringing back the old buried treasure which was lost when men/women fell from grace.

Would you please pray with me that the Lord will raise up more men and women who is so consumed with Him that they can't help but manifest Him in all His glory. I have yet a long way to go but I want to be a part of all that the Lord wants to do. Pray that throughout the Christian world there will be such men and women whom got will use to manifest His work of grace. He has given but there are many who have yet to received. If you have not receive than you should pray that the Lord will grant you the ability and the wisdom to know how to receive His fulness and His abundance, that you and I in turn will have the abundance to share. This is my prayer.

"Spirit touch your Church, stir the hearts of men.
Revive us Lord with your passion once again.
I want to care for others like Jesus cares for me,
Let your rain fall upon me."

Spiritual Life and Renewal is not a subject to be studied nor is it an object to be obtain, but a lifstyle to be lived, experienced and shared continually and consistently. It is then that the Reality and Eternity of God can be ascertained. "This is to my Fathers Glory that you bear much fruit". John 15:7-8

To God be the glory.
Kenny Gan

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