Friday, April 28, 2006

What a privilege

Do you ever wonder why the Lord has called you and chosen you to be His child? Well not many people take the time to think about it and to consider the joy and privilege that that carries for an individual. I have been speaking in recent days and weeks about the "Abundant Life" that Jesus came to give. The more I spoke about it the more convinced I have become about this promise.

Places like Cambodia and the Philippines have an incredible capacity to stimulate our imagination. The deprivation of the people there, and in particular the children, kept me grateful always for the joy of being call His children. Just the stark contrast between Cambodia, Philippines and Singapore is enough to make one grateful for the abundance that we have. But to consider the "Abundant Life" that the Lord promises is even more mind boggling.

"Lord forgive us for the many bad attitudes that we have each time we grumble about our dissatisfaction with things and with the cirscumstances of life. Help us to see the privilege that we have and the hope that awaits us in the after life."

Bee Lee, Debbie, myself and Chris Keiller (Ex-Logos 2 member whose parents were with Bee Lee and myself on the Doulos donkey's years ago) spent a few days in Cambodia (not my first visit) and the poverty awakened us to the reality of the deprivation of the human race, not only of material things but of moral obligation both to God and to their fellow men, women and children. The exploitation, abuse and use of people is truly depresssive. Godlessness has led men and women to behave in the most inhumane manner. Lord have mercy!!

Is this going to be just an intellectual stimulation for me and my family? I hope not, for the sake of His gospel and His kingdom and for the salvation of the many millions who are suffering at the hands of evil men.

More trips means more responsibility as the Lord exposes more and more the needs of people around the world. Pray with me that the Lord will grant much grace, wisdom and discernment to know how to respond practically to these needs. Will you also join me in my travel and also in the ministry, both spiritual and practical.

Through the ministry of the word the Holy Spirit brought about a new conviction in the lives of many young men and women. I pray that these convictions will bring about a change of life and attitude towards God and our fellow men/women around the globe. Many have expressed their desire to walk and work with the Lord in the fulfilment of His Great Commission. Pray that this may become a reality both in response and in experience. Praise the Lord, Praise His Holy name.

For His Sake
Kenny Gan

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