Friday, November 25, 2005

Blessed by being a Blessing

Its amazing to see how our faithful God never short change us. The many times I traveled thousands of miles and coming back straight into my reponsibility here in London some times make me wonder how long I would surveive, but the joy of the Lord became my strength. The way the Lord does that is by giving us countless encouragements through people that we have ministered to. The many encouraging letters, emails, phone calls and conversations that we had from across the globe is enough las us for many months to come. The kind, gracious and encouraging words minister to us and blessed us (me particularly) and give us greater motivation to do more and to go the extra mile.

I was just back from Japan, Singapore and the Philippines. Just to see the people that we minsiter to grow in their faith and now making inroads for the kingdom of God blessed our hearts. Coming back to the UK and then having to minister to a group of believers from Liverpool that I have never met brings about new challenges to trust God for the impossible. Immediately after the weekend I received an email from the elder of the church mentioning how they were encouraged and challenged is amazing.

I am blessed!! I am encouraged!! And I praise God for the joyand privilege of being in His team. He is the best team leader, trainer, mentor and friend, ever. I hope you will all have exciting tale to tell about our Greatand Awesome God. Praise Him!!

Have Fun and have a great day.
Kenny Gan

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