Hi Its Me again,
5 weeks seems like a long time away. This is what happened when you start procrastinating (which some people say is "disobedient in slow motion"). Anyway since coming back from Cambodia different things have happened. As its the Lord's ministry for me I conducted courses on Spiritual Discipline & Renewal. In these courses the Lord seems to help many different individuals adjust their perspective on God and also on their walk with Him. It did help some to deal with issues when they willing to be honest, opened and bold in taking a step of faith and to allow the Lord to help them resolve those issues.
The Cambodia trip is is definitely another eye opener and and a reminder as to my responsibility as a Christian to a needy world, esepcially for those who have been exploited, abused and abundant. It is indeed heartwrenching, if is for me it would be more for the Lord who created them and loved them with unceasing love.
My two weeks on the Logos 2 reminded me of other responsibilities. I had the joy of leading a team of 5 ladies (quite daunting) and to watch over them. While trying to listen to their hearts cry I also see some of my weaknesses popping up as I not only agree with their disagreement but got caught up with their anger too.
I realised that I have been chosen to be a peacemaker and not a peace lover for the momemnt in trying to forge peace with those I am with in agreeing with all their misunderstanding and discontentment. How dangerous it is to be easily swayed by feelings and emotions.
On the high note, the Lord never seize to surprise regardign His faithfulness in helpiung me fulfill His calling for me. I went to the Logos 2 with no programme and no speaking engagements arranged. On arrival different things happened and I ended up speaking several times, not to a big corwd but to a prepared group of people. God is Good. I needed to be good for His good pleasure.
Wel;l I will write more when time permits. In fact I am already overdue with my next prayer letter. Thanks for reading and praying. God bless.
Kenny Gan
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