Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Devastating and Challenging

Hi Everyone,

Its me again. My time in Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia was quite a challenging one. The Lord is constantly reminding me of my own walk with Him and my own brand of Christianity. Its great to be challenge by your the message you preach to others. I guess its important to allow the word of God to pierce straight into our hearts first before it can touch others through our lives. I was to speak about Missions in my own church and I entitled it "Thy Kingdom Come". A reminder of the passion of the Lord Jesus how He was tirelessly preaching the gospel og the kingdom and then telling us to pray for His Kingdom to Come and His will be done. An old verse, which was my key verse for life and ministry, was the main focus Jesus told His disciples to have when He said, "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness".

Another church where I had to speak gave me Luke 18:18-30 about the "Rich Young Ruler". The story speaks about a rich guy who seems to be very religious. He probably is a good man who may have done a lot of Good Works and thought himself being Good. He has observed all the commandments Jesus quoted, from his youth and was pretty proud and confident of his own righteousness. He lived by a set of moral code and became self righteous. He is therefore a moralist.

A moralist who is dependent on personal good works can easily adapt to become a materialist. Because he has done good works and don't seem to be doing any major bad things, like murder or commit adultery or still than he has every reason to justify himself for being a materialist in laying up for himself lots of treasures on earth (though richest in itself is not a sin) and forgetting the multitudes that have been impoverished by injustice, greet and shere human wickedness.

I was spoken to very deeply as I was preparing for this message while I was in Cambodia, having the poor right before my eyes. Ps 82, Micha 6:8 (was also part of my reading) and James 1:27 talks about defending the casue of the poor and the fatherless, to love mercy and to do justly, and to have religion that is pure by lloking after widos and orphans. It was pretty loud and clear for me that I am far from what I should be in terms of my faith in God.

I hope to include saome pictures later so that you can see with me and pray with me that the Lord will help us all to have a real pure religion that will know how to use our material possessions and blessing for His kingdom and for meetings the needs of the poor and the destitute.

I am praying about starting a project called "Widows and Orphans". This is to try and bring about an awareness of such needs around teh globe and to know how to practically meet those needs by the grace fo God. Pray with me.

For His Glory
Kenny Gan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello Kenng G

just got into yr web page..

nice and easy....

have a great day....


Patrick & Bebing