Thursday, January 20, 2005


Life is always full of challenges, many unexpected challenges which one has to be ready for always. The Lord is opening many doors but the Lord is also exposing many hidden secrets. The challenge is to first get rid of the unwanted hindrances which was hidden or even harboured. Of course nothing is hidden from the Lord and there is no way we can walk through the many open doors when when we are harbouring and carrying those big hidden secrets. It won't pass through the doors. Its best to get rid of all the hidden secrets before they are exposed. These hidden secrets may not be as bad as murder or adultery or anything like that, nevertheless it is still a barrier for the working of His Spirit. Let's confess our sins and repent from whatever is weighing us down. That's a challenge always.

There are other challenges when things seems to be going right. The enemy is never idle. He is there prowling like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Praise God the enemy have a false teeth that cou;dn't bite too hard and never hurt too deep. Plus, the Lord always provide the healing. Hallelujah!!

This time the healing is needed for my parents. This is physical healing. My dad is a believer and has been for the last 7-8 years but after a 4 heart bypass operation his health seems to be deteriorating. He tries hard to stand on his feet but its a battle and a challenge.

My mum and dad (sister-in-law on the right)

My mum who is a non-believer is looking after my dad, but recently she has been diagnosed with lung cancer and a collapsed lung. Its a challenge to her to draw near to the Lord and to confess her need of Him and its a battle for her to be able to accept her physical condition.

Its both a battle and a challenge for me and my family to watch both parents going to tough times. We,however, are grateful to the Lord for His amazing grace that is always sufficient for us. The daily grind is never too hard for the Lord to handle and He is always there to help us carry the load.

More challenges are here. The many non-believers right here in London need the Lord and its our responsibility to share the message of hope and salvation to them. Will they accept Him or will they reject Him? It is equally challenging to present Christ as Lord to the believers who may also turn their back on Him instead of turning their faces toward Him.

Will you pray with me that The Lord in His mercy will touch the lives of those He send to us and to those whom we go to in the name of the Lord.

There are still more unseen challenges ahead. We need to be ready for them all. Pray for the Lord to help us to know how to build a firm foundation that will not be easily shaken. Hallelujah!!

More than Conquerors through Him
Kenny Gan

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