Hi There its me again after a long silence. I didn't realise how fast time has gone by, its been over two months since my last update. It has been such a tight schedule that I find difficult in sitting down to write. Its been an incredibly eventful and fulfilling time. New Zealand,Australia, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore have been such a blessed time that we cannot help but give praise to the Lord for His amazing goodness. Our hearts are full of gratitude to the Lord for His grace and mercy. Though we face new challenges the Lord is still able to use us in the midst of our physical limitations, namely me. Apart from my ears giving me problems of hearing now my eyes is slowing me down with seeing, its double vision. We are thankful that the Lord is not limited in His dealings with our lives. We can still be a channel of His blessings in the midst of all our challenges.
It was good catching up with Debbie in Melbourne, Singapore on Logos Hope and now with us in London. Friends that the Lord gave us through the years have been incredibly invaluable. We continue to trust the Lord for what is ahead and grateful for what has passed us by. Looking back to 2011 we know we can only count our blessings. With the Lord its always blessings and nothing less. we need to let the blessings flow through us that others may enjoy that same blessings that the Lord has blessed us with. We hope you have been blessed as well. The blessings of the Lord is always holistic, its not just the spiritual but also the material, social, emotional and mental...which means he keeps us sane and happy. PTL. I pray that we will all be able to take that time and praise Him for His goodness and for all that He has done. If you have not been able to experience His grace and goodness you can always have a chat with the Lord. We want to thank many of you who have been standing with us all this time. May the Lord be with you always.
Kenny Gan
1 comment:
Shalom Kenny,
I saw your interview and testimony with Tom Chacko on Revelation TV (Genesis-Revelation) just the other day (a repeat). The Interview was captivating to say the least and I find your outlook on life so inspiring towards Our Lord Jesus as the salvation to ALL who accept Him into their hearts and lives. I'm sorry to hear about your problems with your ears and eyes, it serves as a reminder of our feeble frame brought in through Adamic sin. However, The Lord Our God shall put that right too when He decided 'the day and the hour' It certainly hasn't dented your spiritual nature Kenny because you came to realised that Our Lord Jesus gave His for us through His Love. Remember also Kenny that you are truly an inspiration to myself and many many others I am sure. If I physically die before Our Lord Jesus returns to claim His Kingdom once and for all, I look forward to meeting the 'Sting of Death' (1 Corinthians 15:55) and saying to him, "Hello my OLD friend" this will confuse him when he tries to remind us that we have sinned terribly against God in our lives, and true, we have! However, our sins (yours, mine and all the other Children of God though Jesus) were Nailed to the Cross when Jesus Christ died for us, our Kinsman Redeemer. "O sting of death we shall say, where is your sting? for I belong to The Lord Jesus, I gave my life to Him, and your master has NO power over me now". I can see him now, scurrying back to Satan, severely beaten for returning empty handed of another soul. So, let us all keep our spiritual eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, for He is ... 'The Good Shepherd' 'The Light of the World' 'The Bread of Life''The Narrow Gate that leads to Everlasting Life''The True Vine''The Resurrection and Life''The Way, The Truth and The Life' and only through Him can we come to the Father.
Anyway Kenny, thank you once again for the inspiration you are, keep up the wonderful Godly work you do in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
All praise be to the Lord Our God, The One True Living God for His Love, His Mercy and the Grace He pours over us each and every day.
Love & Blessings to you and ALL of your family my brother.
Chris Appleton (48)
Nr Halifax
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